What to Do When You’re Deceived in Thailand: Fraud Prevention and Countermeasure


Discovering that you’ve been deceived in Thailand can be distressing, but taking prompt and systematic action can help you recover and prevent further fraud. Here’s a detailed guide on what to do if you find yourself a victim of deception.

Step 1: Capture Screen as Evidence

Gathering comprehensive evidence is crucial for building a strong case. Here’s what you should capture:

Seller’s Website and Merchant Profile: Take screenshots of the seller’s website or online merchant profile.

Merchant’s Information: Capture the merchant’s name, address, mobile number, and account address.

Chat Logs: Save screenshots of any relevant chat logs.

Financial Documents: Include payslips, bank book pages, or any other financial documents involved in the transaction.

Captions: Add captions to each screenshot to clearly describe what each piece of evidence represents.

Step 2: Report the Case to the Police

Reporting the incident to law enforcement is a critical step:

Local Police: File a report with the police in the area where the incident occurred.

Cyber Crime Department: Alternatively, report the case to the Cyber Crime Department at Chaengwattana Road within three months.

Prosecution Request: Clearly inform the police that you wish to prosecute the fraudster, rather than just record the incident.

Step 3: Contact the Bank to Freeze the Fraudster’s Account

Taking action against the fraudster’s financial resources can prevent further damage:

Present Evidence: Use the collected evidence and the police report to approach the bank.

Bank Response: The bank will contact the fraudster and demand the return of the money, with the threat of prosecution if they do not comply.

Step 4: If Unable to Contact the Fraudster

If direct contact with the fraudster fails:

Website Admin: Reach out to the administrator of the website where the fraud took place.

Request Information: Ask the admin to provide the fraudster’s name and IP address.

Follow-Up: Submit this information to the police to aid their investigation.

Step 5: Report the Case to Social Bureau

Harness the power of community support:

Submit Your Case: Report your case on Social Bureau.

Inspector Assistance: Utilize the help of fellow inspectors to verify and validate your report.

Additional Tips and Final Steps

While the police will handle the legal aspects after you’ve taken these steps, your thorough action can significantly hinder the fraudster’s ability to deceive others. Remember these key points:

Vet Sellers: Always check the profiles of sellers and conduct due diligence before transferring money.

Use Verification Portals: Platforms like Social Bureau can help you verify the legitimacy of sellers and boost your confidence in the safety of transactions.

By following these steps, you not only work towards recovering your losses but also contribute to a safer environment for others. Report the incident, safeguard your finances, and help build a community where fraud is harder to perpetrate.