Introduce 3 roles of Social Bureau Users

As a user on our blockchain based social media platform, Social Bureau, you have the opportunity to play a vital role in shaping the future of crime prevention and community engagement. Whether you choose to be an informant, inspector, or donator, your participation is crucial in building a Better Community. Let’s explore the exciting possibilities of leveraging blockchain technologies and the significant impact of each role!

  1. Informant

If you’re a victim or someone eager to share information with Social Bureau, you’re in the right place! As an Informant, you can report a crime and boost your reliability score on Social Bureau without having to sync a MetaMask wallet before filing a report—unless, of course, you’re interested in earning incentives from the blockchain based social media platform and fellow users. 


This role is perfect for anyone with a talent for verifying information reported by an Informant. Your job is to determine whether the information in the Informants’ reports is accurate, inaccurate, or inconclusive. Inspectors can also cast votes on issues raised in the Community Court and Community Consensus using Social Bureau’s Quality Vote System (we’ll dive into what the community court and community consensus entail in the next article). Best of all, inspectors can choose to investigate cases anonymously. 

As an inspector, one important step is to stake JUTC, Social Bureau’s governance token, as a pledge to conduct honest investigations. Successfully proving a case can earn inspectors JUTC as a reward, while incorrect proofs will result in the loss of the staked amount.

3. Donator

A donor provides financial support to victims using JUTC currency and conducts transactions through MetaMask. This role is ideal for anyone looking to contribute to Social Bureau. Donors can support victims anonymously without disclosing their identity or personal information to the public.

Join Social Bureau, a blockchain based social media platform, today to make a difference in your community! With user-friendly features and anonymity options, it’s easy to get involved and contribute to a safer future. Start making a positive impact today!